qForms API
Welcome to the qFormsthe most complete JavaScript API for interfacing forms.
The qForms API has been designed to make forms easy to work with. It simplifies
tasks HTML developers normally find tricky to handle. And the most exciting thing
of all, the API is released free under the GNU Lesser
General Public License
Help Support The Future of qForms!
I'm now accepting donations to help support the continual development of the qForms API. The
donations can be in any amount and are not required, the API is still free to use. I'm
starting the donation process in hopes that I'll be able to subsidize having to do side
contracting workwhich will leave me with more time to spend working on qForms and
expansions for the library. If you use qForms and it's been a big help to you, then
I urge you support future development by contributing what you can.
I want to support
development of qForms!
Mailing List
I've set up a mailing list for the qForms API. Please use this resource
to post any questions, comments or thoughts on the qForms API. To
sign up for the qForms API Mailing List, either visit the
qForms Yahoo Groups
home page, or send an e-mail to
Post message: qformsapi@yahoogroups.com
Subscribe: qformsapi-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
Unsubscribe: qformsapi-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com
List owner: qformsapi-owner@yahoogroups.com
URL to this page: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/qformsapi
