Field Methods Library
In the properties and methods below, obj is an abbreviation for
the object name you specified when you called the qForm constructor.
fieldName signifies the form field element that you want
to perform the action on. Arguments in bracket ("[ ]") are optional.
- obj.fieldName.dummyContainer
The dummyContainer property is a boolean value which specifies that the current
container is simply used to hold items. A "dummy" container should have no
value, and qForms will ensure that no value is returned for a dummy container.
- obj.fieldName.boundContainers
The boundCountainers property contains an array of all containers bound to the
current container. "Bound" containers are used assiociate the items in one
select box to another, so that a setValue() method will correctly populate
a container with the proper value in the bound container's option array.
- obj.fieldName.compare(string field)
The compare method will compare the value of the selected form field with the value of
the form field specified in the "field" argument. If the values are different, then false
is returned. If the values are identical, then true is returned. The field argument is a
string equal to that of another qForm field name.
- obj.fieldName.createDependencyTo(string field, [string condition])
The createDependencyTo method will create a relationship between two specified fieldsthe
fieldName and the field specified in the field argument. When a dependency is created, a check
is run each time the specified field is updated. A condition check is then performed to see
if the fieldName object should become required. If the condition check returns true, then
the fieldName object becomes required, otherwise the fieldName object's required property is set
to false.
The field argument is a required parameter, which specifies the field that the condition
should be tested on.
The condition argument is an optional parameter, which specifies either a string value to
use as a comparison or an expression which is evaluated. If the condition statement is not provided,
then the specified field is tested to see it contains a value. If it does, then the required property
for "fieldName" is set to true. If the condition statement contains the "this" keyword, then
the string is evaluated as an expression. The value of the fieldName's required property will be equal to
the expression's result. Otherwise, the condition statement is treated as a simple string. In this case
the value of the "field" argument is tested against the condition, if the values match, then the
required property for "fieldName" is set to true.
For example:
objForm.Fax.createDependencyTo("FaxMe", "this.getValue() = 'yes'");
You could simplify the last statement, by simply using:
objForm.Fax.createDependencyTo("FaxMe", "yes"); {>
This would make the "City", "State" and "Zip" fields required if there is any value in the
Address1 field. Also, if the user chooses to be informed via a fax to their order shipment,
it would force the "Fax" field to be required.
NOTE: If you want to enforce dependencies on the default
values of the fields, you'll want to call the enforceDependency() method for
each unique field defined in the "field" argument for your dependencies. For
objForm.Fax.createDependencyTo("FaxMe", "this.getValue() = 'yes'");
// enforce dependencies on the default values
- obj.fieldName.enforceDependency(string exclusionList)
The enforceDependency() method is an internal method used by the API to enforce all the
queued dependencies for a given field. It's the enforceDependency method which determines
whether the specified field should be required or not.
- obj.fieldName.isDependent(string field, [string condition])
The isDependent() method is an internal method used by the API to test whether or not the
specified field should be required. These methods are stored in the fields dependency queue
and test against whenever the form's onSubmit event is called.
- obj.fieldName.location([string target], [string key])
The location method will use the JavaScript method "location" to try to redirect the user's
browser to the value of the selected form field. This was designed to work with the select
box element as a navigational tool.
The target argument is an optional parameter to specify the target object in which to
attach the location method. By default the target object is "self." If you wish to redirect
to another frame, then the target should be the string pointer to the JavaScript object.
The key argument is another optional parameter. The key parameter by default is equal
to an empty string. If the value of the current form field element is equal to the key,
then the location method will not be enacted.
- obj.fieldName.ltrim()
The ltrim method will strip all whitespaces from the left the side of the current form
field's value and update the field.
- obj.fieldName.makeContainer([string bindTo])
The makeContainer method will change a select box into a "container." A container is a unique
qForm's type of select box. What makes a container unique is that each item in the container
is part of its value.
When using the setValue() method on a container, a list of the original container values
and any bound container objects will be searched, and if a match is found, the container
will be populated with matching results.
The bindTo argument is optional and is used to bind other container objects to the current
container. When two (or more) containers are bound, then when the setValue() method is called
on the main container, all containers will be searched for the value, if a match is found,
then that match will be added to the container's pool of objects.
NOTE: You must specify the MULTIPLE attribute in any <SELECT> tag
you wish to make as a container. The browser by default will only allow one option in a select
box to be selected. Unfortunately, this can't be change programmatically, so if the servers only
seeing one value for a container, you probably haven't specified the MULTIPLE attribute.
- obj.fieldName.mirrorTo(string object)
The mirrorTo method will place a copy of the value of fieldName into the object specified
in the objectName string.
The objectName argument is required and accepts any string which is the name for a valid
JavaScript object. The string is then test to see if it's a valid qForms object, if it is,
it will update the value of the form specified. If it's not a qForms object, then it'll
assume it's a valid JavaScript variable and assign the value of fieldName to the object
- obj.fieldName.populate(object struct, [boolean reset], [boolean sort], [object prefix])
The populate method is only available for select box elements. The populate() method will
take in a structure and repopulate the options array based upon the structure passed in.
The keys in the provided structure will be equal to the options "value" and the key's value
will be equal to the options "text" value. This method will not run if the
isLocked() method return true.
The reset argument is an optional argument used to define whether or not the options array
should be cleared before adding the structure key and values. The default value for this method
is true. If set to false, then items in the structure will be appended to the selected field's
options array.
The sort argument is an optional argument that can be used to specify whether or not the
options array should be resorted in ascending order by the value of the options text value.
The default value for the sort argument is false. Valid values are true and false.
The prefix argument is an optional argument that can be used to append a structure to the beginning
of the option's array. This is useful for adding a blank option at the beginning of the option array
or some text like "Please select an option from the following:". By default, nothing is appended to
the option array.
- obj.fieldName.resetLast()
The resetLast method will reset the selected form field element to the value stored in
the lastValue property.
- obj.fieldName.rtrim()
The rtrim method will strip all whitespaces from the right the side of the current form
field's value and update the field.
- obj.fieldName.toLowerCase()
The toLowerCase method will convert the selected form field element to lower case.
- obj.fieldName.toUpperCase()
The toUpperCase method will convert the selected form field element to upper case.
- obj.fieldName.transferFrom(string field, [boolean sort], [string type], [boolean selectItems], [boolean reset])
The transferFrom method will transfer items to the specfied select box from the select
box specified in the field argument. The field argument is required and must be equal
to the name of another qForms select box field. This method will not run if
the isLocked() method return true.
The sort argument is an optional argument that can be used to specify whether the
options in the specified select box should be resorted in ascending order by the options
text value once the transfer is complete. Valid values are true and false. The default
value is true.
The type argument is an optional argument that is used to specify whether only the
selected items should be moved, or whether all the items should be moved. Valid values
are "selected" and "all". The default value is "selected."
The selectItems argument is an optional argument used to specify whether or not the
moved items should be selected by default when moved to the new box. Valid values are
true and false. The default value is true.
The reset argument is an optional argument used to determine whether or not the target
select box should be cleared before moving the specified options. Valid values are true
and false. The default value is false.
- obj.fieldName.transferTo(string field, [boolean sort], [string type], [boolean selectItems], [boolean reset])
The transferTo method will transfer items from the specfied select box to the select
box specified in the field argument. The field argument is required and must be equal
to the name of another qForms select box field. This method will not run if
the isLocked() method return true.
The sort argument is an optional argument that can be used to specify whether the
options in the field argument should be resorted in ascending order by the options text
value once the transfer is complete. Valid values are true and false. The default value
is true.
The type argument is an optional argument that is used to specify whether only the
selected items should be moved, or whether all the items should be moved. Valid values
are "selected" and "all". The default value is "selected."
The selectItems argument is an optional argument used to specify whether or not the
moved items should be selected by default when moved to the new box. Valid values are
true and false. The default value is true.
The reset argument is an optional argument used to determine whether or not the target
select box should be cleared before moving the specified options. Valid values are true
and false. The default value is false.
- obj.fieldName.trim()
The trim method will strip all whitespaces from the both the left and right
sides of the current form field's value and update the field.
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