The Core API

All of the core qForms API members are included within a single file: the qforms.js file. Within this file, there are a number of constructors used to create the objects you'll be using on your page.

The "qFormAPI" Object
The "qFormsAPI" object is the top level object in the qForms API. It is initialized automatically when the qforms.js file is loaded. It is used primarily as a way to organize miscelleneous variables and pointers. You can think of the qFormAPI object as the parent object for all of the qForm object you initiate—it's used internally within the API to keep track of all the new children created.

  1. Properties
  2. Methods

"qForm" Objects
qForm objects are created using the qForm contructor. The qForm constructor is really the guts of the API. You'll need to call qForm constructor for each form on the page you planning on using qForms with.

  1. Properties
  2. Methods

"Field" Objects
Field objects are internal objects created automatically when a new qForm object is created. You should not call the Field constructor manually, let the qForm constructor initialize the object for you.

  1. Properties
  2. Methods

Custom Functions
Here are a list the custom functions that are included in the core qForms API. These functions are required by some of the constructors and methods.

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