jQuery Autocomplete Mod

WARNING: This is provided for users who absolutely need access to the original code. The code is very outdated and it's not recommended to use this code in current applications. The code is not compatible with newer versions of jQuery.

Instead, we recommend checking out one of the many fantastic modern autocomplete libraries, like:

This is modification of Dylan Verheul's jQuery Autcomplete plug-in. I customized his library adding the features I needed and fixing issues I considered bugs.


Local City Autocomplete: (Shows a max of 10 entries)

Ajax City Autocomplete:

Some dropdown:

Some dropdown 2:

Some dropdown 3:


There have been several reports of the contents of the iFrame being placed into the text box when the [TAB] key is pressed. This is due to a bug in jQuery v1.1.1 and not w/this code. See the following thread on the jQuery Mailing List for more information: http://www.nabble.com/Bug-in-$()-in-jQuery-v1.1.1--t3144910.html#nabble.i8718421.

This bug is fixed in jQuery v1.2.1.


Autocomplete Docs
autocomplete_ajax.cfm (as text file)